
Здравствуйте, Виктор!

Спасибо за предложение! Мне кажется, что это всё же немного разные вещи и я не хотел бы сбивать людей с толку. Классический Command Bus не подразумевает цепочки обработчиков, а всего лишь проводит команду к нужному обработчику. Можно сказать, что этот паттерн стоит где-то между специализированной версией Команды и упрощённой версией Цепочкой обязанностей.

Тем не менее, я добавлю эту идею в список "Будущие паттерны", возможно вскоре у меня дойдут руки добавить отдельное описание этого паттерна, т.к. он действительно довольно известен.

Hi Micha!

This was an unfortunate result of my recent update for this example. Please check it now, everything should be fine.

Thanks for checking all of this! I don't think it's an error, it's just a small preview of an image (the refactoring course banner) which is mostly of red color. I see that all resources are indeed actual. I'm still puzzled about what might be the cause of this issue.

Do you have any browser extensions installed? If so, assuming that they all disabled in incognito mode, can you please open the page in incognito mode and see what it looks like?

Also, what is your version of Windows?

David, I'm not quite sure what might be wrong then. I just checked the website in my test machines, everything looks nice.

If you're willing to help me debug this, can you please:

1. Open the browser console.

2. Go To the "Application" tab, "Clear storage" subtab and press the "Clear site data" button.

3. Refresh the page.

4. If the problem isn't gone, take a look at the "Console" tab for any errors (should be marked with red).

5. If there are no errors, please also check the "Network" tab and check the list for any red entry.

Thanks a lot!

Most likely, this is a caching issue. Please hit Ctrl + F5 and let me know whether the problem persists.

Здравствуйте, Евгений!

Да, вы всё верно поняли.

Thanks, I'm really glad that you like my work.

As for your question, I really like the evolutionary approach for building apps: make it work somehow in v1.0, let it be ugly, slow and imperfect, just make it work. The problem with making the code nice in 1.0 is that you don't know a lot about how it all will look in the end, what caveats will you discover, etc. Once you're done with 1.0, refactor the crap out of it, make it fast, make it pretty in 2.0.

Apart from my work, I'd recommend you reading this great book on refactoring to patterns: https://www.amazon.com/Refactoring-Patterns-Joshua-Kerievsky/dp/0321213351

Здравствуйте, Иван!

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