
Hi Javi!

Thanks for your offer, but I don't think this is going to happen due to very low demand. Proper localization requires not just translation but also editing and integration, and I'm afraid I won't be able to fund these at this point.

Hi Mark!

This type of diagram is called the UML class diagram. You can find lots of info about these diagrams over the web, as the UML is a major standard. A nice starting point is this wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_diagram

Yeah, that sounds all right.

Hi Alex!

There are indeed a lot of similarities between various patterns in terms of implementation. However, please note that a pattern is not just about the code. It's also about intention and vocabulary.

When you tell your colleague that you have implemented an abstract factory, they immediately get a clue not only about implementation but also about the reason why did you write this code at all—they think that you had several families of products, and you needed a way to manage the creation of these objects. You don't get all of this subtle info when you say that you implemented a Strategy. On the other hand, when you say that you applied Strategy to object creation, I suppose that you implemented several different ways to create some specific object, rather than create various kinds of stuff (which would be correct for Abstract Factory).

Does this make sense?

Пока что затрудняюсь сказать, появится ли здесь такой раздел. Дело в том, что описание SOLID уже есть в книге о паттернах и это является частью премиум контента.

Добрый день, Андрей!

Прошу прощения за неудобство. Увы, но курс не был расчитан на мобильные, только на планшеты. Я собираюсь улучшить всё это во второй редакции курса.

Hi Pedro!

Yeah, I think "Insider Trading" is an alias for "Inappropriate Intimacy". I'll be updating the names and synonyms in the refactoring section soon.

你好! 抱歉,我们只出售电子内容。

Hi Thiago!

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