Ваши комментарии

Hi Lukas!

Thanks, that's a sound idea, I think I should have made the release notes a long time ago. On the other hand, the most substantial change was to the UML relations chapter (the intro section). If you wish, you can re-read it. Other changes are mostly fixes of endless tiny typos across the book. Packaging a fresh version of the book is automated, so it's very easy for me to publish a new version whenever I fix any error. This explains why the version number is so high at the moment.

Let me know if you need anything else!

Спасибо за ваш вопрос! Думаю, в конце концов печатная версия таки появится, но я пока не могу сказать когда и как.

Здравствуйте, Артём!

Спасибо за хорошие вопросы. Постараюсь развить эти темы во второй редакции курса рефакторинга.

Thanks for the kind words, Milan! Let me know if you have any questions!


Are you referring to the human language or the programming language switcher? If former, its already present in the top of the screen. Can you please elaborate?

Hi Larbi!

Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the inconvenience. You're totally right, I'll fix the icon with the next update.

Да, вторая редакция будет доступна для старых клиентов бесплатно, по крайней мере, в текущем охвате тем.


Thanks for the idea, added to my TODO.

Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho