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Hi Carlos!

Thanks for the idea! This is definitely an important task and it's in my plans. I have to tackle higher priority stuff first, though.

Okay, I've rewritten it like this:

**Command** is a behavioral design pattern that turns a request into a stand-alone object that contains all information about the request. This transformation lets you pass requests as a method arguments, delay or queue a request's execution, and support undoable operations.

Hi John!

Thanks for your question. I think I understand the reason for the confusion. This paragraph means that after wrapping the request in a command object, you can then pass this command object to any methods (on other objects) that deal with requests. Since all of the commands implement the same interface, you can pass different kinds of commands (and therefore, requests) to the said methods.

I'll see if I can rewrite this paragraph for a clearer understanding.

Спасибо за предложение. Да, это уже давно в планах. Хочу совместить это с другими работами по фронтенду, пока никак до этого не доберусь. Но всё же это когда-то случится :)

Hi Kent!

In simple terms, a delegate is an object that helps the other object to do some stuff. The original object "delegates" the work to a delegate. In various sources, the term delegate might be loaded with additional meaning (you can read more about this on wiki), but in my course, it simply means passing some work to another object.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Дякую вам за відгуки, пані та панове! Дуже радий, що вам усе сподобалося.

Thanks for the idea, Bryan! I believe this can be a fruitful area for someone to write a thing about. I'm afraid I lack decent expertise in the Kubernetes fields to write something of my own.

Thanks for opening my eyes to this issue. Frankly, I never thought this might be confusing. I'll note it down to revisit the naming in the future edition.


Спасибо, но это не ошибка. "Adaptee" означает "объект, который адаптируем", такое словообразование часто встречается в английском языке.

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