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Thanks for asking! I used OmniGraffle (sadly, only available on macOS) with heavily customized UML stencils for most diagrams. The illustrations (comic strips, etc.) were initially drawn by hand and then vectorized in Inkscape.

Best of luck!

Вітаю, Євгене!

Переліку змін я не веду, але якихось глобальних змін не було. Все що було, це виправлення помилок.


There's no time limit, you can lear at your own pace.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.


Ні, вам достатньо купити одну копію. Після цього зможете скачати книжку на будь якій доступній зараз мові.


No, at least not yet. But maybe in the future 😉

Hi John!

Frankly, it's pretty hard to suggest anything at this level. I suggest you try to implement this all without any pattern in mind, and then if you discover some pain points, research what pattern can solve them (if you need any at all).

By the way, thank you for supporting the Ukrainian people!


Imagine a youtube video player.

The relation between the play button and the player itself is a composition — the play button doesn't make sense outside of the player.

Now, imagine a playlist with a bunch of players. The relation between each player and the playlist itself is an aggregation — a player can both exists independently or as part of a playlist.


Yes, the book has been recently translated into Korean as well.

Yes, that's correct, stars mean popularity by the most accurate metric I have — my experience (lol). However, until today, there were some glitches in the Korean version, and the stars didn't appear there correctly, maybe that was a source of confusion.