Tus comentarios

I'm glad that you like it, Jason!

Thank you, Leo! I'm glad that you like it!

Obrigado! Fico feliz que você gostou.


Unfortunately, you can't buy the book on Amazon. In fact, the book can only be bought on Refactoring.Guru. Selling the book from our own website allows us to avoid huge cuts imposed by the 3-rd party platforms and brake even while keeping the price affordable. If you're more interested in Amazon reviews, you can refer to the book page on Goodreads.

Because if it suites your needs and it works, I personally would have left it as it is and only attempt to make the changes when something in the app changes and affects these Store classes so that you have a strong reason to refactor the whole thing.

What are the negative sides of the current design apart from your Senior Dev criticism? Do you find it good enough?


Thank you! Would you be so kind as to make a pull request with a fix to this repository? https://github.com/RefactoringGuru/design-patterns-python