Your comments

Hi Lucas!

I really appreciate the offer of help. However, this undertaking requires a lot of effort and time, I'm not sure I'm fine with you doing it for free. I think it should be paid appropriately. However, we're on a too tight budget to approve the translation at this point. But on the bright side, I do like the idea of Korean translation, so I might secure the budget and team for this project closer to the end of the year.

Hi William!

I think the design patterns book will be most helpful once you grasp the very basics of OOP. While it has an introductory section to OOP, frankly, it's was designed to remind a reader about the basics, not to teach the concepts from scratch. On the other hand, an experienced programmer could probably spearhead all of the basic topics very fast.

As for refactoring, I'd move to it only after studying the patterns.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Sorry, I can't access that link. It requires some sort of login. You can post a screenshot, that'll be just fine.

Андрей, здравствуйте!

Можете, пожалуйста, сделать фотографию и приложить её сюда?

Yeah, C++ examples are not ready yet. I definitely plan to add them, but not sure when exactly.

Thanks! The Chinese version of the website is underway, by the way. Let me know if you want to participate in beta-testing.

Отлично! Дайте мне знать, если будут какие-то другие вопросы.


Скажите, а какая это читалка? Данная проблема скорее всего вызвана неполной поддержкой формата EPUB, которая проявляется в том, что читалка рендерит символ подсказки к переносу (тэг ­­) как сам перенос слова. Увы, данная проблема лечится только сменой читалки, либо чтением PDF-версии.

Hi Aaron!

Thanks a lot for your feedback! I'm very glad that you liked my work.

I have a little favor to ask. I'd be very grateful if you post your review and rate the book on Goodreads. This is really important for me because the aggregate score affects how the book is featured in search engines, so I'd appreciate any help. If you don't have an account there, the registration is pretty quick, you could even use a social network account to log in. Once inside, go the book's page, mark it as read with the widget on the left and it'll give you the review form.

Thanks again!

Hi Amit!

There's no code download for the refactoring course, you see all examples online via the web interface.